Racist Law Enforcement


After reading the New Jim Crow and going over it class I feel that The United States is a really racist country. I have now realized that there is a lot of racial profiling that goes on in our country. The laws that are set up to protect our community is just a new way of being racist but in disguised. This has really opened my eyes to what cops do out in the streets “protecting” us. After finding out the truth it really disgust me to see all the racism that is actually going on today.

I have seen on television all those cops beating up men of color out in the street like if they were really dangerous men. I would always believe that those colored men deserved it and saw them as criminals. Now I have realized that I was wrong and not all of those men are criminals. I now feel that the law enforcement like to pick on those of color and makes them look like criminals. I have a strong dislike towards law enforcement now that I have seen how racist they really are sometimes.

In this following video a Hispanic man gets shot for raising his hand at an officer. He did however, break the windows of the Carl’s Jr. restaurant but he was not armed with a weapon when he was outside with the officers. I know that what he did was wrong and he could of hurt someone but he was not armed. The cops did have a dog and could have used a different type of force to stop this man instead of shooting him to death.

When I saw this video I was speechless because it’s a local community college that I attended before. I have also gone to the Carl’s Jr. for lunch with some friends. What they did to that man was not necessary. That type of force was not needed and thus I feel that if it was a white man he would still be alive. However, that was not the case in this story. I wish there was something to be done but I know that there really isn’t since we do not really live in a country that treat people equally.

2 thoughts on “Racist Law Enforcement

  1. whysoaroused says:

    Racial profiling has started since the beginning of time and also it present today. Unfortunately you are correct, racial profiling, racism, and stereotypes will always be apart of our society. And the video you explained has happened many times. This also reminds me of the LA riots. Great job!


  2. I agree. I always thought the fact that America was a melting pot was beneficial because it dissolved the ideas of racism but the fact is, humanity is so screwed that it will abuse any kind of difference if it feels threatened.
    I’ve heard a bunch of stories from Bravo-alums that have told me that, because they live in the El Sereno area and that their cousins were affiliated with gang culture, their houses were raided and searched without permits.

    –Leah Manacop

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